Application areas

Used in civil and industrial construction as a heat insulation layer for new construction and reconstruction of various buildings and structures. The slabs are designed to be used as the top heat-insulation layer in coverings made of reinforced concrete or metal profile-shaped flooring with roof cladding of roll-fed and mastic materials, including without protective underlayments. Recommended to be applied in combination with TECHNOROOF N and/or TECHNOROOF slabs.

Description of material

TECHNOROOF V are nonflammable, waterproofing, heat- and sound insulating slabs made of basalt rock stonewool with a low-phenol binder.


The slabs must be stored in covered warehouses. Storage under an awning protecting the slabs from atmospheric precipitation is permitted. slabs during storage should be laid in containers or in piles on pallets or linings. The piling height during storage should not exceed 2 m.
